Challenges and Taxation for SMEs in Thailand


From Thammasat University’s LL.B. Program

Current Legal Issue # 20

Challenges and Taxation for SMEs in Thailand.

Let’s be realistic. Starting a business might not be as smooth and easy as you think it is whether you are a new startup or an established SMEs(Small and medium-sized enterprises). SMEs are very important to Thailand’s economy. As today’s rapidly changing business world and rising globalisation,SMEs must adapt to integrate in business world. Although SMEs have become a significant contribution in the domestic economy, there are challenges facing SMEs. Starting a business maybe a big achievement for entrepreneurs, but maintaining one is the larger challenges. Ultimately, knowledge,laws relevant to SMEs and taxation are necessary for starters or business owners in order to set up and manage their businesses. Luckily, for every challenge, there is a solution.

This seminar will introduce the perceived challenges and taxation of SMEs in Thailand. The panel discussion shall provide better management, taxation, and legal knowledges. The content of the seminar will discuss The Directors liability Amendment Act BE 2560 (2017), as to whether the current legal initiatives are sufficient in law relating to criminal liability of representatives of legal entities. As well as, the establishment of SMEs, including company and partnerships, and tax related.

Speakers who will join us in
the panel discussion:

1.) Khun Roi Bak
Deputy Head of Regional Legal Ascend Money
2.) Khun Palawi Bunnag
Partner, International Legal Counsellors Thailand (ILCT)
3.) Khun Auaychai Sukawong
Tax director at KPMG Thailand

The seminar is free of charge and refreshments will be provided to you.
We are looking forward to welcome you!

DATE: Wednesday, 21th November, 2018
TIME: 13.00-16.00
VENUE: Room 322, Faculty of Law, Thammasat University (Tha Prachan Campus)

If you are interested in this seminar, please make a registration via this link:



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